Bent, Compressed, Stretched
From re·sil·ient [ ri- zil -y uh nt, - zil -ee- uh nt ] adjective 1. springing back; rebounding. 2. returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched. 3. recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant. I have always been grateful that my childhood was not any worse than it was. I was born in 1968 to two unmarried alcoholics in their early 20s. Since they lived in a Common Law state, they were considered legal married when they have a child, so when my dad decided that he would rather be a girl than a dad, they had to go through the legal process of divorce when I was four. I do not remember their drinking, but I do remember being alone a lot. In the 2 years that followed the divorce, I remember the AA meeti...